Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Year's Eve

For New Year's Eve we had a "party" at our house. My whole family (minus my brother Joe) and (plus) Andrew's girlfriend Nina were in attendance, as well as, Mom and Dad Churchill, Grandma Sanders, Grandpa Carroll, my cousins Shirl and Missy Rosengreen from Wyoming!

We laughed, played games and ate WAY too many cookies. But it was lots of fun!

Lilly of course was the star of the party! She loves being held and so she spent the evening being passed from person to person. We managed to get a lot more video than photographs (it seems like it's always one or the other, not both getting done! :-) But at least we did manage to get a few photos with my father holding her!
Billie enjoyed stealing the show from her sister whenever possible as well as sneaking drinks and food off family member's plates when she knew they weren't looking! See that mischevious look!?!

And of course my beautiful sister Rachel as she hones her game playing skills.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I enjoyed all your new pictures. Isn't it fun having 2 girls?
Hope you are well!